Who will be the next Strawhat?

Current conclusion
(last edited: Nov 13, 2011)
Jinbei Image Jinbeis most likely the next SHC member – he has the most PROS. and some of them are very convincing.
Bonney Image Bonney – is second choice , which is why she might join later.
Firstly i want to say – that we will defiantly solve this now by method of elimination! The number of possible candidates is very small .
Note: Everything here is only speculation and is only based on Canonical material. Debate is more then welcome on every point , please provide reasonable proof for your point .
(post @ bottom of page or on Reddit)

Thanks everyone @ Reddit for the contribution & help.



Luffy Begins His VoyageManga – Luffy hopes to have 10 nakama
One piece wiki – Luffy wants to find 10 more people

Green Data BookGreen data book – there will be a new member in the new world

link @ op wiki
link from the green data book translation
Manga -489 chapter name -“the eighth member” – means we are now at a count of 8 members , which means we need to have 2 more members.

link to chapter

Myth Busting


The Thousand Sunny is a member – so no more members.

despite the fact that the ship is treated as a crew member and a nakama , she is not in for the actual count . Luffy wants to find 10 more people !
Vivi or Laboon might be considered as nakama worthy of counting – so +1 .

Luffy called many people along the way nakama or friends but despite  that , only people who are actively  members on the crew are in for the count – and to solidify this statement you can see chapter’s 489 title.
Luffy counts himself as one of those ten , thus only one new nakama will join.

the obvious meaning of “i hope i can find 10 more people” is that a person wants to find 10 more people excluding himself. if you still find that hard to agree with you can take a look at the one piece wiki.

Necessary Points

| The Oda interview

This so called “Oda Interview” referenced in countless blogs and forums where Oda said something about something and then he said that the next crew member will be a big/female/ex-enemy. is not to be used as basis for anything until someone can provide solid proof that such interview indeed happen or give a link to said interview.

| Story line analysis

  1. The new member might join right after the fishman island surfaces(?) and might not even be at that arc .
  2. Luffy’s real journey begins in the new world , so by that time he probably should have his crew finalized. Reasonably , they should have the second half of the story line with all crew members.
  3. High chances are that no new crew member will appear in a whoosh. he should have some background story.
  4. Considering that the fishman saga has reached its climax , it is probable that no new possible Strawhat crew candidates will appear in FI saga.
| Fishman/merfolk to join?
  1. It only seems natural for a fishman to join in a fishman saga.
  2. After Luffy helping FI , he has more points with those fishman.
  3. A fishman would be a great scout and certainly a needed tactical asset giving stronger ground in the sea.
  4. A fishman could do a Kokoro trick and save the day.
  5. “Oda wanted to introduce fishman into the series as early as Chapter 3” – quote , thus making Fishman an integral part of the series.
| Logia?

The SHC has no logia users (yet?).

| Not a flying member ?
Some rumors say that Oda said that there will be no flying member (some one can give a quote on that ?) , also to diminish the chance of a flying member – Sanji mastered sky walk and can fly.
| Crew duty / Fighting Style

The Strawhats differ in needless to mention fighting styles and pirate crew duties:

  1. Luffy – Captain
  2. Zoro – First-mate|right-hand|swordsman
  3. Nami – navigator
  4. Usopp – sniper
  5. Sanji – cook
  6. Chopper – doctor
  7. Robin – archaeologist|historian
  8. Franky – shipwright|mechanic|carpenter
  9. Brook – musician

What are we left with – scout / entertainer / henchman / coater ?

| Female?
Next member is more likely to be a female , because there are already may male members. However there is no source for that claim and Oda has said nothing to indicate that he wants to even the genders.

Possible Candidates


  1. Helmsman  (BB crew has one – Jesus Burgess) – he drove the ship in the gate of justice.
  2. Possibly the 9th member – new volume cover.
  3. Will have to wander and will never be able to leave peacefully on FI because he is an active pirate with bounty (just like Rayleigh always has to hide) – he can’t access fishman island.
  4. Voice of reason for the crew ? A father like character ?
  5. The crew is missing a fishman who can give a great grip for the water and be a scout.
  6. Can be a grate guide for the new world.
  7. Bandai coins – 04/11.
  8. he was waiting  for Luffy all these years in the forest.
  9. he made ace a promise he will keep an eye on Luffy.
  10. In debt to Luffy for releasing him.
  11. Feels obligated to Luffy for fixing ‘his’ mess caused by Arlong
  12. Might have some good intel on the government since he was a warlord.
  13. Some previous SHC members joined after a certain amount of chapter at their home (Usopp, Franky, Nami, Sanji, chopper)
  14. has a unique fighting style
  1. Was a captain
  2. does not have a funny side like all the rest
Cons Bashing:
  1. wants to fulfill Otohime’s dream which is to see humans leaving in peace with fishman
    Even though , joining an infamous pirate crew is not the base way to
    negotiate . he is not a Shichibukai + he went against WG -> no one will negotiate with him. so joining a pirate crew seems better in this case.
  2. wishes to remain close to FI in order to protect it ?
    We have 2 possible outcomes for that – Shirahoshi’s power can protect FI OR he keeps sneaking around like he previously did . The former seems more reasonable.
  3. stronger/higher bounty then Luffy/Zoro ?
    the major opinion is after time skip – Luffy/Zoro/Sanji > Jinbe (at least on land) . Luffy controls 3 types of Haki including COC , the “Monster Trio” remains intact.
    Despite the fact that Jinbe’s higher bounty might a questionable factor it terms of joining the crew , think about it twice and you will see that it is not an issue. Luffy once was less famous then Zoro and SH Robin once had a higher bounty then Luffy .
    Luffy probably gained higher bounty after killing a Pacifista.
  4. has a supporting role ?
    he fought with Luffy side by side more then once and a played a very major role . he might be compared to Rayleigh and addressed to as a supporting role but he has had a much more prominent place for such a long time.
  5. old generation whereas SHC is all new.
    brook is much older , and frankly Franky is somewhat more mature then the other crew – 36 y/o.
  6. all SCH needed Luffy in some point to protect them / help them is someway
    Luffy does help protect FI
  7. he had his share of adventures and just like Rayleigh he looks to settle down.
    This is debatable because Jinbe wanted to help Luffy during WB siege even at the cost of his life which means he is not done with adventures and risking his life for friends.
Further reading:

  1. Funny memes – Helmsman  , Next Nakama



  1. Expressed her desire to join the Strawhats long ago and is considered nakama .
  2. A long time has passed and she might be strong .
  3. If the island surfaces Vivi might be at king’s council at Marijois replacing her sick father , and she already been there in the past .

  1. Royalty prevents her from joining the crew.
  2. Weak.



  1. Alive? – discussion on Reddit , Ch. 589 in the manga (did dragon pick him up when he was gone and he is badly wounded person) , chapter 596 cover – grown up Sabo.

  1. if alive , might want to remain in the revolutionaries where he has been all that time which is very reasonable to assume because ace did remain with WB.

Kraken/Surume – sea monster


  1. To carry the ship / follow the ship around .
  2. Fights alongside the Strawhats in fishman arc.

  1. Do we really someone to carry the ship ? 
  2. He is more likely to be like Laboon – left behind.

Prince Fukaboshi


  1. This – just this .  In more proper grammar – a repetitive motive which results in said friend joining the crew.

  1. Weak
  2. Royal duties in kingdom , anyhow he is a royalty and might not want to be linked directly to pirates so his family name wont be slandered.

Jewelry Bonney


  1. Seems to be the only supernova with some deep story behind her – link .
  2. Was already linked once to SHC when she saved herself by stopping Zoro from attacking the Tenryuubito.
  3. She has no where to go (crew wiped by BB) . Ex-supernova ? because she got captured ?
  4. She loved WB – only supernova shown crying after WB was betrayed by his allies.
  5. Both lost loved ones : she lost WB , Luffy lost ACE
  6. Both hate BB : she lost her crew to BB + BB killed WB , Luffy hates BB for capturing ACE
  7. Both want to revenge BB : She is the only supernova in NW to be shown with desire for revenge , while the rest of the supernova are facing challenges/looking in to the future –  link(+2 pages forward).

  1. will eat Luffy’s food.



  1. She has a secret unknown power .
  2. Has a fucked up past .
  3. Might follow the joining character formula : introduced in the beginning of the arc , played major role – joined crew.
  4. Can serve as a scout.
  5. Fishman/merfolk can really spice up the crew.
  6. The some man who would come and show her to use her power and change the world could be Luffy

  1. Size?
  2. Desires to fulfill he mother’s dream (a desire that will be empowered by Luffy’s actions) – joining an infamous pirate crew is not the base way to negotiate (like Jinbe) .
  3. Is royalty , so like Vivi would desire to hide her connection to pirates.
  4. Weak – at least for now. does not have a strong personality (“cry baby”).
Further Reading:

  1. OP wiki speculation link



  1. Worked with Luffy together in the past (impel down) .
  2. Luffy has a way to change people and we seen willingness to help , maybe he can convert him like he did to Nami.
  3. Has some secret from the past.
  4. Is a logia.

  1. Is not so well accepted by the crew – robin?.
  2. Looks more like a typical villain then a potential nakama.
  3. Franky was the one to destroy those blueprints Crocodile wanted to find so much.



  1. Was in connection with Zoro while he trained
  2. Can fly and serve as a scout

  1. Weak  – some say her devil fruit is kinda broken after the fight with Usopp.
  2. A flying member is less likely to join the crew (rumors + Sanji can fly).



  1. SBS question , More discussion on that – link

  1. Dead probably
  2. More likely that his last role was to protect sunny.

Disqualified Candidates

  • A Shichibukai it will be an overkill , and they have a commanding personality which will not benefit the crew.
  • Camie – seems to have fulfilled her goal by riding the Ferris wheel at Shabaody Park .
  • Hacchi – seems to also have fulfilled his goal in life by owning a takoyaki stand . we already have a swordsman.
  • Ryuboshi/Manboshi – are very weak and have royal duties
  • Shirley – Luffy does not favour future predictions – proof
  • One of Hody’s pirates – they are weak , and have their life shorted by probably more then 2 due to the use of the weird drug.
  • A mermaid – no mermaid except those listed has received any attention in the manga which is beyond basic introduction.
  • Foxy (the pirate) – he was very weak last time we saw him , and he was not the type to be seen again (although he did appear in some anime fillers) . such a drastic turn is less probable to happen considering the planning you can see in the series .
  • Moria – seems to have gone under the radar , being a Strawhat is not exactly under the radar. Also due he is personality he is less likely to be accepted into the crew.
  • Alvida – has a weak devil fruit , and her character did not show any specifically useful skillset .
  • Caribou – is a future former enemy ? seems more like a typical non changing villain type. useful skillset ?
  • Rayleigh – very strong , knows 2 much , can end the story fast …
  • Buggy – has his own crew , more likely to be Yonkou then a Strawhat
  • Gan Fall – old ? has his duties in the sky …
  • Wiper – age? former enemy , can be a scout .
  • Chaka – age?
  • Marguerite – occupation : archer ? we already have one sniper on the crew …
  • Mr. 2 – we already have an entertainer of some sort on the crew (brook) . his fighting style is close to Sanji’s. Sanji has also good sneaking skills (Alabasta arc. croc’s palace) . however an okama could be a funny addition to the crew.
  • Pandaman – well :S
  • Den – researcher / mechanic / shipwright – all those are fulfilled by other members on the team – Franky + Robin . Despite he is someone who Jinbe knows and can keep an eye on Luffy as Jinbe promised ace , He is not key figure in the recent manga.
  • Hody – he broke the rule of one piece and hurt his own nakama

Strawhat Pirates vs. Blackbeard Pirates Theory

I am not sure that would help , cus probably no accurate matching is possible , but this is most accurate i could find.
Any speculations/theories on who can face the drinker would be welcome.
The matching:

BB vs. Luffy – captains
Shiliew vs. Zoro – swordsman
Van Augur vs. Usopp – snipers
Avalo Pizarro vs. Franky – cyborgs . Pizarro not confirmed if cyborg.
Lafitte vs. Brook – Angel vs. dead , nimble fighters with cane swords
San Juan Wolf vs. chopper – giants
Catarina Devon vs. Robin – Powerful women
Jesus Burgess vs. Sanji – wrestler vs. kicking martial arts (close combat)
Doc Q + horse vs. Nami – a battle of tactical skills. Doc Q seemed to be more on using tactics for fighting, but it is still unknown, and Nami is one smart girl.
Vasco Shot vs. ?????? – drinker vs. new member :S

Credits: 1, 2, 3

Non Canonical Material

Anime statement that fluffy wants 10 members
> eps. 504
Perona has feelings for Zoro
> eps. 522

Further Reading

Discussion in other places – one piece wiki, arlong park, manga share forums, leaf ninja forums, Manga fox , manga stream
OP Wiki – link
Reddit – previous discussion – link , current discussion – link
Interesting speculation – next 2 members will be apprentices like buggy and shanks –  link

47 responses to “Who will be the next Strawhat?

  1. I think there’s a possibility of the woman with the three eyes (Big Mom’s part at Fisherman Island) or the one with the wings to join. While the one with the wings seems evil, the one with the three eyes does not really.

  2. I figured out what Luffy will end up recruiting in the New World. Instead of Bonney, Kuma or Jinbe joining, Luffy will recruiting an old talking tree riding a unicorn and a living bronze statue.

    9th = There will be someone with a Jurei Jurei no Mi ability, but it won’t be Bonney. Her power has shown that it can only manipulate the age of people. Her ability is more likely just Toshi Toshi no Mi. (Plus, she’s the type that only looks out for herself and not others.) In Thriller Bark, they came across a zombie tree and unicorn which Luffy wanted have but was stopped by Zoro and Sanji. I believe, in the New World, they’ll come across and old person who’s a dwarf that has a pet unicorn. His power would be to turn into a tree and communicate to other trees and planets. Like Brook, the dwarf’s ability also would have allowed him to live for many years. Like Doc Q, Vivi, Ganfal and Mohji, he’ll use a Unicorn to ride in battles. Since dragons exist in the New World, the chances of Unicorns are possible too. Thus, provides the Straw Hats with a Botanist.

    10th = Kuma does have a chance. But what if there’s a bronze statue from the Void Century that Vegapunk discovered and feed it a Niku Niku no Mi. Instead of fruit’s power being controlling or creating meat, what if it brought to life non-living objects making them human. Like a Colossus, it would be able to change it’s body from flesh to bronze. It’s character would be similar to Pinocchio or Tin Woodsman and would want to have a family to feel real. Joining the Straw Hats would accomplish this for him or her and provide the crew with a new Helmsman.

    Another possibility:
    Since Luffy vs. Big Mom will involve a lot to do with Jinbe and his captive crew, what if one of his cremates or an old childhood friend joins Luffy’s team instead. Jinbe can’t join because they already have a shark on their crew: Zoro! We’ve seen a lot of shark and octopus related fishmen and menfolk. What about something unique like a starfish, clam or oyster-type of mermaid. She’d be super strong and be able to make Pearls which will make Nami happy. That or a mermaid that can transform into both a human and a fishwoman; like a mutant who was rejected from all three species.

  3. I just realized something. The theory of the SH’s devil fruit’s names consist of numbers 0 to 11: Gumo (5,6), Hito (1, 10), Hana (8,7), and Yomi (4,3).

    Jurei Jurei no Mi (11, 0) / Age Age Fruit, makes sense for Bonney. Kuma would be likely to join since his DF is Nikyu Nikyu no Mi (2, 9). However, it feels suspicious that Oda would try to avoid answering that question. If he wanted it to be a surprise, why hint it like that. It’s too obvious.

    Niku Niku no Mi (2, 9) / Meat Meat Fruit is a posible existing DF that will later show up. After thinking about it carefully, I have a hunch that Urouge possesses that ability. He’s able increase his size and bulk himself up which sounds related to what a Meat Meat Fruit could do for someone. Like Bonney, Urouge is also mysterious especially since he’s a skypiean (something the SH’s never recruited during their visit to Sky Island). Plus, Oda mentioned that he likes munks, which is what Urouge is. Not to mention he’d be perfect to fight giants like Sanjuan Wolf and be able to fit in the Thousand Sunny.

    Not to mention, the last time we saw the Supernovas, chapter 594 ended with Urouge, and chapter 595 ended with Bonney.

    It could also be argued that Caribou and Coribou represent the fake versions of Urouge and Bonney.

  4. hey guys i just watced the impel down arc and there was a moment where something about crocodile’s past was mentioned…when he was a rookie..what u think it could be although i dont think it is something important cuz all the episodes untill now there wasnt said a word about his past…

    • It does seem to foreshadow a flashback story for Crocodile that we’ll probably see eventually. But I can’t say for sure that it’ll mean he’ll join Luffy’s crew. Like Jinbe, he’s more likely to end up being the next Pirate Emperor once Luffy takes down both Big Mama and Kaidou.

      In my opinion, he and Buggy will assemble their own crew members that’ll consist of 11 main members like Luffy and BB do.

      Buggy Pirates:
      1. Captain Buggy
      2. Mohji
      3. Richie
      4. Cabaji
      5. Alvida
      6. Galdino (Mr. 3)
      7. Perona
      8. Foxy
      9. Porche
      10. Hamburg
      11. Wadatsumi

      Crocodile Pirates:
      1. Sir Crocodile
      2. Daz Bones (Mr. 1)
      3. Rob Lucci
      4. Kaku
      5. Jabra
      6. Blueno
      7. Kumadori
      8. Fukuro
      9. Kalifa
      10. Tamago
      11. Pecoms

  5. Well it looks like Caribou’s chances of ever joining have been dropped.

    Now, nest year’s arc will be a war between Luffy’s crew vs. Big Mama’s crew. Something tells me we’ll run into Bonney again since Big Mama’s HQ is an Island made of cake (like Bonney’s ship) and is the perfect environment for a glutton like her to join the SH’s.

    By the way, if Luffy beats Big Mama, does anyone think he’ll take over the title as the next Pirate Emperor? I don’t think Luffy will since he’s more into adventure than self-proclaimed fame. I believe if Luffy wins, he’ll ask Jinbe take on the role so that he can still be a part of his crew while at the same time watch over Fishman Island.

    • I think the war between them will be kind of like Baroque Works: spread out. And I don’t think he will take the title, I doubt the news about BM being defeated will be known publicaly

      • I agree that the war will be something similar to the Baroque Works story arc. But I still feel that something like Big Mom’s downfall isn’t something to hide from the public so easily. The reason why the World Government was able to cover up Luffy beating Moria was because he was a Warlord. They weren’t able to hide or cover up anything big like Luffy invading EL, Impel Down or Marine HQ nor Blackbeard’s rampage.

        My point is that someone will end up filling in Big Mom’s position of power as Pirate Emperor. The only person I can taking that role is ether Jinbe, Kid or Buggy. Something is going to happen to Jinbe that will prevent him from joining the crew. If Oda really wanted him to join, he would already have joined instantly. Like Vivi and Gaimon, something will ether prevent him from joining or cause the Straw Hats to no longer want him.

        Instead, Luffy in the end will recruit Bonney and Kuma because of the numbers that spell the name of their Devil Fruits.

        • How can he recruit Kuma when Kuma turned into a cyborg with no own will at all? Kuma let Vegapunk give him a last mission: To protect the ship of the SH until they return.

  6. After reading the latest chapter, does anyone think Kuzan (Aokiji) may join the SH’s in the future. I know eventually Luffy will probably take down Akainu which means someone will step in to replace him. My prediction is Coby becomes the future Fleet Admiral (since that’s this dream), leaving either Smoker or Kuzan to join the SH pirates as there Logia-user.

    Also, since Blackbeard is now hunting down powerful Devil Fruits user to steal their powers and give to him and his crew, could they have gotten to Crocodile, Mr. 1, Kizaru, Marco, Jozu, Enel, Shiki, Moria or Magellan?

    • The idea of Aokiji joining did pass my mind, but remember that they had a little fight around… chapter 320 (http://www.mangareader.net/103-2427-1/one-piece/chapter-320.html)
      Even though they fought, I can’t say there’s 0% chance he will join

      About stolen powers:
      -Crocodile and Mr. 1 :They went to the New World together, but I doubt that anyone knows this. And I doubt that they will actually be targeted and found.

      -Enel: Enel went to the moon and got himself a whole army there. It is possible that he returns to Earth, but wasn’t he talking about the moon to be… something like the perfect place to be or so?

      -Moria: Moria was dragged off by his two allies after the war. Personally, I think they would hide somewhere to regain their strength and to get zombies again.

      -Magellan: He retired after the prison break. I think his DF had a little side-effect, which made Magellan go to the bathroom often.

      • I see your point. To me, I believe Magellan is now a new admiral to fill in for Aokiji. And since Moria wants revenge of the WG, maybe he’s teamed up with Dragon and the Revolutionary Army.

        What about the other Super Novas in the New World? Bonney was took weak to Bleackbeard and Law, Kid, Killer and Drake I doubt it. But what about the others?

  7. Each member of the Straw Hats represent a color of the Rainbow as well as different types of animals.

    Luffy = Red
    Zoro = Green
    Nami = Orange
    Usopp = Yellow
    Sanji = Blue
    Chopper = Pink
    Robin = Violet
    Franky = Sky Blue
    Brook = Black / White
    Jinbe = Maroon (color of sun on his chest) or Indigo
    Bonney or Perona = Magenta
    Crocodile = Yellow-Green
    Thousand Sunny = The Sun

    Luffy = Monkey
    Zoro = Shark
    Nami = Cat
    Usopp = Armadillo
    Sanji = Duck
    Chopper = Reindeer
    Robin = Crain
    Franky = Ox
    Brook = Horse
    Jinbe = Gorilla (he looks more ape-like that whale shark)
    Bonney = Pig
    Perona = Tiger
    Crocodile = Crocodile XD
    Thousand Sunny = Lion

    (remember the giant lion, gorilla, crocodile and tiger Luffy made friends with during his 2 year training…. I believe they represent what people Luffy will recruit in the New World. The Lion looks like the Sunny. )

  8. Although I do believe she has a high chance of joining, what if Bonney is now apart of Kid’s crew now? Kid now looks like he lost his arm from fighting against Akainu. And Bonney now wears a black hat that seems to fit more with the style of Kid’s crew.

    After the Straw Hats leave Fishman Island, they’ll probably head to that Winter Island where X Drake and Kaidou are. If so, then Moria and Perona will show up because Kaidou is the one who whipped out his crew. There will be a flashback showing us more about Moria’s old crew and Perona’s childhood. This could lead to ether Perona or someone else connected to Moria.

  9. In a recent SBS Oda mentioned that he was looking forward to something big that has happened in the Marines during the timeskip. Something he is really looking forward to. Most likely a huge-ass twist from nowhere. So, why not a former marine?
    Add the fact that if a former marine does join, it’d have to be someone strong and who makes a kind of sense. Coby is too set on being an officer so that strikes him out – seeing as he’d make a good rival.
    Smoker… well, though he is antagonistic towards the SH, with Luffy’s new Haki he doesn’t really pose much of a threat anymore – there’s not much that smoke can do to hurt you unless you breathe it in. He’s also shown to be one of the few likable Marines and one of the more likely to ‘jump ship’ if there were a clash of ethics on the line. SO my bets are on him as a possible candidate. Of course, it’s a very minor chance, but hey, better than some that have been put forward. At least he’s actually seen interacting with the crew. 😛

    • Having a former marine join the crew is an excellent twist that I’ve always wanted to see. If it’s any character we’ve seen before, my money is on Smoker as well. If it’s a new character, I’d like that better. He or she would have to be a logia because most of the strongest Logia-users are a part of the Marines (Ace, Enel, BB and Crocodile are pretty weak in contrast).

      • I have to disagree with Enel being weak by contrast. Imagine what kind of damage someone who has lightning would do if they were on the surface in a world with all that water. He’d essentially be one of the most powerful antagonist in the entire series. Still, having a Logia would be nice or a former Marine.

        I do feel need to also point out that Smoker has probably gotten stronger during the time skip as well. Never doubt the power of creativity that could come with him alongside what else he can bring along as a threat!

  10. On second thought, it seems like Shirahoshi’s only role is supposed to be Jinbe’s fill in as protector of Fishman Island. Jinbe will join and so will Bonney and Kuma. But what about Smoker? He was the first Logia-user introduced in the series and the only Marine that respects Luffy besides Coby.

    I also believe that Blackbeard may have recruited that pirate monk, Urogue. He’s pretty mysterious and gloomy looking like the rest of BB’s followers. Not to mention he seemed impressed by him in 581.

    Luffy vs. Blackbeard (captains)
    Zoro vs. Shiliew (both swordsmen)
    Sanji vs. Burgess (both super-human)
    Jinbe vs. San Juan Wolf (fishman vs. sea giant)
    Franky vs. Avalo Pizarro (cyborg vs. drill-man)
    Robin vs. Urouge (both archeologists… I think)
    Brook vs. Laffite (both are similar in appearance, manors, and abilities)
    Bonney vs. Vasco Shot (big eater vs. big drinker)
    Chopper vs. Doc Q & Stronger (both doctors)
    Nami vs. Catarina Devon (Nami always takes on the strongest female)
    Usopp vs. Van Augur (both snipers)

  11. Jimbe may still not join even if he would like too. It sounds like his other priorities will take him much longer time before he can join.

    After reading the last page of chapter 649, I didn’t expect Shirahoshi to be “Ancient Weapon, Poseidon.” This could mean that the World Government will be after her and she’ll endanger FI and her people if she stays. That Celestial Dragon that was shipwrecked 10 years ago witnessed her summoning those Sea Kings. A lot of people have been after her (Hody, VDD, Caribou) and look what it’s done to Fishman Island. The only safe option would be for her to join the Straw Hats since they’re the only pirates they can trust.

    Plus, I think Blackbeard’s new ship he’ll have will be Pluton because it fits his theme (Darkness = Underworld / Hades).
    “Ancient Weapon” Poseidon vs. “Colossal Battleship,” San Juan Wolf

    I also think that giant the Kraken dragged off will end up joining Buggy’s crew.

    • The Celestial Dragon that was shipwrecked did indeed see the Sea Kings, but he can’t know for a full 100% that
      1) they weren’t there by coincidence or so;
      2) Shirahoshi called them;
      3) Maybe he doesn’t know that nowone can normally speak to Sea Kings.

      For Shirahoshi vs San Juan Wolf:

      Shirahoshi would have advantage in the water, but would she be able to fight properly on land?

  12. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT!!! Jinbe isn’t joining! Oda always knows best, never doubted him for a second! 😀
    (I hope I’m not celebrating too early…)

  13. I just realized Jimbe may turn down Luffy’s offer of joining like Gaimon and Vivi. There’s a pattern:
    1) Luffy, Zoro, Nami = (Gaimon doesn’t join)
    2) Usopp, Sanji, Chopper = (Vivi doesn’t join)
    3) Robin, Franky, Brook = (Jimbe doesn’t join)

    I now believe Bonney is joining as the 9th for three reasons:

    1) Her devil fruit is going to be called the Jurei Jurei no Mi (Age Age Fruit). Ju means 11 and Rei means 0. Gumo (5, 6), Hana (8 7), Hito (1, 10), Yomi (4, 3) and Nikyu (2, 9). Jurei also translates to “age of a tree.” So it could be a play on words that she is really a Botanist which is something the crew lacks.
    2) She’s probably related to Ace and her real full name is Portgas D Anne. Ace’s mom said that if Ace was born a girl she’d be named Anne, and the pirate Bonny’s first name is Anne.
    3) Caribou is most likely going to use that Tamatebako he stool to age the Straw Hats into becoming weak and old (leaving Brook the only one to defend the crew and ship). This is where Bonney steps in. She’s the only person with the power to reverse this effect. Brook will request for her help to save his friends so he won’t loose them like he did with his old crew. The Straw Hats will need her just like they needed a cook, a doctor and a shipwright that resulted in recruiting Sanji, Chopper and Franky.

    • Oda definitely has something in store for Bonney. If Jinbe does join (booo!), Bonney joining would make up for it. She has a very boisterous personality which I feel would be refreshing for a Strawhat female; furthermore, she probably has one of the most interesting devil-fruit powers and it would be a shame to not expand on it.

  14. After reading the latest chapter, it looks like Jimbe may join after all. That just leaves either them recruiting a logia or a giant.

    Looking at the cover volume 64, it looks like there’s room only for one or two people to fit in with the crew. Robin’s clone seemes to fill in for another woman so maybe one who ate a Rei Rei no Mi (Cold Cold or Ghost Ghost fruit). Rei also means the number zero like Gumo (5, 6), Hana (7, 8), Hito (1, 10), Yomi (4, 3) and Nikyu (2, 9).

    Franky’s robot fills in perfectly for Kuma’s size. Even though Luffy said he wants 10 people to join him, Kuma maybe #0 because he has PX-00 tattooed to his body.

  15. In light of the latest chapter, who here doesn’t want Jinbe to join?
    *raises hand*

  16. here is something about Bonney’s cons. the only one thats written there is eating luffy’s food well compared to jimbes’s dont have funny side wouldnt that make the things during meal more interesting funny plus that can make them closer …something like that its not necissary that to be a bad side fighting both for food is a small problem and can be count as a funny side as well adn whats more her charachter doesnt seem like one giving orders except when she wants food like on saboudy where she was shouting one her crew…
    and why dont we count caribou like an options pros: supernova->strong logia user possible lost of crew ..home.. has some funny side about praying to god cons: larger bounty than zoro (lol robin herself has largen than sanji..nm) doesnt seem the tipe to oey orders some cind of grudge against SH and more special Luffy but that can be count as well as he admire him and just want to see whats the difference between them i dont see him as a typical vilian as last he is a far away from BB characher
    and here is one last idee when u look to the crew u see that everybody has a bounty..(hmm;) even brook when came he was given a bounty so dont u think the new member should have a bounty.. if he dont have a bounty he will ruin the mode ;xd

    • Well, Caribou wanted to kill the SHs to show the world his power. Personally, I’d be more for Bonney than for Jimbe or Caribou.
      Caribou doesn’t seem the type that takes orders, this could be a pro, if he does them when he has to atleast.

    • you haven’t disqualified bonny’s con , you might have added one – has a commanding personality captain (but nami is somewhat commanding 2).
      caribou is weak and he is cheap villian , no way he joins …

  17. i think that sabo ( one of Luffy”s brother) will be the tenth crew. though they show that sabo died in the sea they did not actually show his body, in a certain episode right after the flasback episode of luffy about his brothers, ivan notice that dragon brought someone wounded which is possibly sabo. as for coby hes not to be a potential crewmate but i think hell be one of luffy’s great rivals. as for the giant(san juan wolf) i guess franky well be the one fighting it with his franky shougun.

  18. I guess I am on the Sabo train with this, Sabo appearing after they leave fishman island with no one picked up to join from fishman island. Someone experience with the new world area would be great to have, as an alternative. Bonney seems to be quite a stretch, I mean at that rate why not suggest that Coby could be a a potential crew member.

    • I can see Sabo in a more traditional role, as an ally in the royalty; someone who does gather some intel as an official in Marinford. I believe that he is an installed royal spy from the Revolutionaries.

    • Bonney is the most likely candidate for the SHC because no one else that has been introduced would make a good addition to the crew. Sabo is likely dead, but if he is alive he would not likely join the crew, but become an ally instead.

  19. Wow, nice compilation. But I think Chopper is more prone to fight Doc Q, as he also fought Hogback and it seems Doc Q has a philosophy that directly opposes his own vision of a doctor.

    • one can say that fights are more reasonably decided by fighting styles rather then philosophy and matching strength . chopper seems much more powerful and putting him on this weak opponent is strategically wrong.

    • At first I thought that too but who is going to fight a giant… I dont want a giant joining the strawhat crew. Especially one that cant even fit on the boat.

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